Not Just Patients

Not Just Patients LIVE | Danielle Drachmann and Sumaira Ahmed

Caitlin and Clarinda Episode 10

Join us for this special (unedited) recording of Not Just Patients, which was streamed LIVE on LinkedIn!

To celebrate our 10th episode, we were joined by two incredibly inspiring advocates, Danielle Drachmann and Sumaira Ahmed. Listen to this uplifting, raw, and real conversation as these two amazing women share how they turned their adversity into advocacy, and the unspoken realities of their deeply personal work.

About our guests: 

Danielle Drachmann is a recipient of the 2022 Young Patient Advocate Award at the Black Pearl Awards, and Executive Director at Ketotic Hypoglycemia International. As a rare disease patient and mother of three children with a rare disease, she is deeply passionate about patient engagement, partnering, citizen science, and patient-driven research. At Evidera, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danielle specialises in fostering multi-stakeholder relationships and advancing patient-centred research. Additionally, she contributes to various health committees and has helped shape Europe's rare disease policy through her work with EURORDIS.

Sumaira Ahmed was diagnosed with seronegative neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) in the summer of 2014, after experiencing sudden and severe vision loss and weakness/numbness. Less than two months after her diagnosis, she founded The Sumaira Foundation (TSF) dedicated to generating global awareness of NMOSD, MOGAD and other rare neuroimmune conditions, building communities of support for patients and their loved ones, supporting research and advocating on behalf of patients. Sumaira currently serves as the Executive Director of The Sumaira Foundation.

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